Refactor to handlers namespaceλ︎
Create a new namespace called practicalli.banking-on-clojure.handler
which will contain handler functions for the routes to be defined in the application.
Additional libraries will be used to create the responses, which will only be required in the new namespace.
Create a new file called src/practicalli/banking_on_clojure/handler.clj
Move the [ring.util.response :refer [response]]
require and the handler function from src/practicalli/banking_on_clojure/service.clj
to src/practicalli/banking_on_clojure/handler.clj
(ns practicalli.banking-on-clojure.handler
"Handler functions to satisfy requests to the service"
[ring.util.response :refer [response]]))
(defn welcome-page
"Main page layout for the service"
(response "Banking on Clojure"))
Require the practicalli.banking-on-clojure.handler
namespace in practicalli.banking-on-clojure
namespace, using the alias handler
(ns practicalli.banking-on-clojure
(:require [org.httpkit.server :as app-server]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]]
[ring.util.response :refer [response]]
[practicalli.handler :as handler]))
Update the request routing code to use the new alias for handlers
Restart the server to pick up the changes
Check the server is still working by visiting http://localhost:8888/