Clojure Transducers - Getting Started

June 15, 2016
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Transducers are built upon the design principle in Clojure of composing functions together, allowing you to elegantly abstract functional composition and create a workflow that will transform data without being tied to a specific context. So what does that actually mean and what does the code look like? Is there a transducer function or is it just extensions to existing functions. These are the questions we will explore and answer.

A good understanding of functions such as map & reduce and composing functions with the threading macros is recommended before writing code with Transducers.

This is my interpretation of the really great introduction to Transducers from Clojurescript Unraveled, expanded with additional code and my own comments.

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Spacemacs - Share Buffers via Github Gists

March 13, 2016
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The Spacemacs github layer has been deprecated and gist.el is longer a reliable tool to work with GitHub gists unfortunately

Github Gists proved a simple way to share a piece of code, configuration or documentation without setting up a full version control project. Rather than use copy & paste, a Gist can be created from any Spacemacs buffer or region with a single command.

Add the github layer to the ~/.spacemacs configuration file and reload your configuration, SPC f e R, or restart Spacemacs SPC q r. Lets see just how easy it is to use Gists with Spacemacs.

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Yet Another Post

November 4, 2014

This Post So Fetch

some more stuff happened

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